With the web-based management software for podiatry and foot care, pododesk revolutionises the market of practice management, combining state-of-the-art technology and classic management. 360VIER developed the visually independent corporate and software design that gives the digital practice administration the adequate communicative power and developed the web-based application technically on the cutting edge – everything to transport the core idea of the young start-up effectively and holistically
pododesk / Ludwigshafen
pododesk practice management: web-based, comprehensive, technically up-to-date
Corporate Design
Logo design, font and icons - special design ideas perfectly tailored to pododesk
Corporate design: logo, typography, colour, icon design
The core idea of the young start-up, a modern web-based practice management system, is reflected in the logo and is visible in the form of the concise picture mark. On the one hand, the geometric pictogram creates a “desktop” association and on the other hand, it symbolizes the task set in a metaphorical stacking of to-do’s, one of the USPs of the web-based application.
A central component of the corporate design is the font “Glober”, which enables a high degree of readability in the frontend of the application, especially with small font sizes. In combination with the compositional icons, a powerful visual identity is created that clearly stands out from the competition and gives the software the appropriate communicative power.

The design of pododesk was based on the concrete experiences with the workflows of a podological practice and implemented according to the latest standards of software development.
Timeless clarity and intuitive functionality form
the focus of the UI design. Intuitive user guidance, a maximum of flexibility and overview in the administration of patients, appointments, treatment documentation, prescriptions and much more were also in focus.
Everything in one place and at one glance:
- Innovative “Find a Date” view
- Depth & simple search function
- Intelligent ToDo List
- Multi-Therapists, -Practices & Patient System
Technical implementation of a web-based application with the latest technical standards
On a technical level, pododesk’s decisive concern was to obtain a web-based, state-of-the-art software that is at the same time easily scalable. The JavaScript framework ReactJS forms the technical basis for this requirement. In addition, state-of-the-art container technologies are used, which form a future-oriented cluster for a rapidly growing number of customers.
In addition to the technical implementation of the application, 360VIER is responsible for the conception, the setup of the necessary infrastructure within a cloud hosting, as well as the continuous development.
Technical bases
- ReactJS
- Google MaterialUI
- Node.js
- Postgres databases
- Cybernetic cluster management on AWS
- Monitoring with Grafana